Corn or maize is used in the diet of poultry, pigs, sheep and horses. Corn tends to be lower in protein but a higher energy source than other grains. It is cracked or ground to improve digestibility.
Avigrain use a unique slicing technique to cut the corn rather than crushing it using a rollermill or grinding the corn through a hammer mill.
Avigrain sliced corn has a more uniform kibble than traditional ‘cracked’ corn. The crushing process tends to end up with a bigger variety of particles – from whole grain to dust. Sliced corn is generally less dusty than corn which has been crushed or ground.
Supplementary Feeds | Birdseeds | Manufactured Feeds | Grains |
Avi-Lori | Grey Stripe Sunflower | Rabbit Pellets | Oats |
Niger seed | Safflower | Rat & Mouse Cubes | Sliced Corn |
Tonic Mix | Jap Millet | Free Range Layer Pellets | Black Sunflower |
Canola | Canaryseed | Chick Starter | Hard Wheat |
Linseed | Red Panicum | Pullet Grower | Feed Wheat |
Panicum | Supreme Crumble | Sorghum | |
Panorama | Fine Grit | Dun Peas | |
White French | Medium Grit | Corn | |
Hulled Oats | Pigeon Grit | Mung Beans |